
Welcome to Dexodus!

We are your new gateway to the ultimate copy trading experience in decentralized finance. Think gasless transactions, stable fair fees, multiple markets, competitive rankings and 1-click trading for the optimal CEX-like experience.

Now, we know that's a lot, but throughout this documentation, we will attempt to break it down and teach you everything you need to know to not just get by but to actually turn a profit. Ready to learn more? Jump right in!

Why Dexodus?

The Dexodus protocol is an evolving platform, and we are deeply committed to its growth in collaboration with our community. We value community feedback and we seek to actively involve our users in shaping its future, always taking their voices into account.

As our developers continue to work tirelessly, the Dexodus protocol will expand and incorporate new features designed to meet specific user needs. Together, we will build a trading ecosystem the likes of which have never been seen before.

Right out of the bat, Dexodus will include the following features:

  • Copy trading: follow and execute the top traders' strategies and learn from the best

  • Gasless trading gives way to stable transaction fees that impact everyone's performance equally

  • 1-Click Trading with signless transactions for the ultimate CEX-like experience

  • Chainlink Data Streams to receive lightning-fast, low-latency, and secure market data

  • Liquidity with auto compound features to invest and see your profit reinvested automatically

And, shortly, we will include the following features (refer to the Roadmap section for more details):

  • Rankings, competitions, and leagues: show off to the world, and earn more while trading

And more to come based on your feedback!

For inquiries, partnerships or suggestions refer to the Contact section of the documentation.

Last updated